Monday, January 31, 2011

So I'm still Alive.

Lo siento amigos para el tiempo que no he escrito nada.

I'm quite alive, although I'm sure my facebook posts have made you quite aware of that. It's been getting a bit busier, with site visits, homework, playing pokemon, and all that hard work us college kids do. The usual.

Actually, furthermore, to be exact: classes are a joke. Nothing near the "intensity" of a Clemson semester, which I entirely appreciate. Notice how I rarely discuss/complain about any class ever on this blog? Exactly. I've noticed that a lot of my posts are about feelings, shopping, and all that girl-stuff. So...are you ready for more?!

THOUGHT SO. Here we go:

I'll start off with something positive: My studio professor gave my project partner and I a good desk crit today. He babbled on enthusiastically about where to go from here on our project, but more importantly he ended the crit with, "Good job guys, congratulations." Congratulations? How do I interpret that? Is it rare that he approves of what his American students do? Does the translation not quite fit right in English terms? It has positive connotation, so I am not concerned. I have just never heard 'congratulations' used before in any architecture critique.

Next thing: I'm terribly homesick. All the preparation pamphlets, emails, meetings, etc. warned me about this time that was to come. Myself, thinking that I'm hot shit, never believed that I would actually feel this pathetic and desperate to be home. It's at a point where I cannot sleep some nights. I'm losing my favorite pastime over this! NOT ACCEPTABLE. There is a silver lining, however...the same pamphlets told me that it would pass in a month or two. Awesome. Spain, I love your language, but A) I'm living in Catalonia, B) I hate being harassed by street vendors everyday when I walk on La Rambla, C) I smell pot everywhere, and might I add that it is disgusting, D) I can never get a good internet connection. Figure that out.

Getting worse: I was sick with food poisoning Thursday, which kept me bedridden and feeling awful. Maybe that kickstarted the wave of homesickness? All I wanted was some pepto bismol... but nobody had it...(my mom would).

Now I think its time to drop a photo bomb... but this loading thing is taking forever and I need sleep. Tomorrow I'll have a post dedicated to just photos. No text. I swear.

OH, also, side note, by the way: going to Prague this weekend. No big deal. ;)


Friday, January 21, 2011

Any given friday...

Today felt like the north pole was here for a visit. Too much wind. I don't mind looking like a model with wind swept hair as I walk down La Rambla, but I don't like feeling like one.

Anyways, I enjoyed some victory with win-sauce on the side. :) Patty and I made friends with the employee at a nearby Doner/Kebab restaurant. We've been there approximately once a week now, and he has already memorized what we've ordered. SO AMAZING. WE HAD A REAL CONVERSATION. One of the greatest parts was when he asked us what city in America we are from. When we told him our respective homes (Greenville, Charlotte), he told us that he was wondering because his brother just moved to California. We had a good laugh when wetold him we lived on the other side of the country.

So, after enjoying happy-fun-food-time, roommate and I went shopping...again. (As a way to console ourselves that a trip to Andorra was not in the cards for us this weekend...blast you, European Bus Websites).


Does my waist look skinnier yet?


Monday, January 17, 2011

Random Things.

There are so many small occurrences that I have been dying to share you...I just wish I could remember what they were. It's killing me.

Of course I recognize that they are minuscule, and a bit random, AND that it's also quite possible that I am the only person to believe that they are entertaining or interesting in any sense of the word...but that is what makes a foreign country foreign, right? And now I am becoming more acclimated to the culture here that I can't even remember what was so weird to begin with.

One thing though: I don't believe people believe in deodorant here. Ew.

B.O. all over the place, I swear.

Also, if we could get the bike system working in America, a lot of our problems would be solved. Today, for our "studio" class, we took a bike tour around Barcelona to look at the case studies for our current project. SO MUCH HAPPY FUN TIME. I highly recommend renting bikes if any of you visit me in Barcelona (hahah, I made a funny). Its not only better for the environment, its better for our bodies! And it's much faster than walking! (BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT). If I could, I would even forgo the metro and ride my bike everywhere. But then again, I have had a vendetta against the metro ever since the hooligans stole my wallet on it. They can't hide from me for long >:-O

Here's something that's random, as well: there are seagulls that live on our dorm roof, and I'm pretty sure their mating calls sounds like a chain-smokers' laughter.

I'm just sayin'.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

As close to perfect as it gets...

Yesterday was, for a lack of better words, awesome^10,000. I did everything that makes a girl happy in one day: getting money (GOT DEBIT CARD), shopping for clothes/getting sweet deals, and eating salmon.

YES, I FINALLY HAVE MONEY. I am so excite it is nearly impossible to contain. I just happened to be walking by the dormitory desk, and God told me that I should check if a package had arrived for me. And it had. And God saw that it was good. So now things in my life can finally return to a balanced state, and I can repay my debts.

As for shopping, I can now effectively look like a fashionable European señorita for under 40 euro. Watch out Spain. I'M SO CUTE.

As for salmon, I cannot possibly describe how fantastic this even was in words. Rather, let me show you...

Firstly, this was our cook (yes, she vaguely resembles my roommate):

Secondly, this was our result:

(yes I 'borrowed' this image from Patty. It's too good to keep limited to one blog)

So much gourmet amazingness in one place. Olive oil drizzle and canned corn, served with plastic forks upon a tin kitchen table top. I love college...I never want to grow up and be normal.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Despite my horrible luck lately, there is a silver lining to all of this: I have a mother who is a *excuse my language* fucking champion. She could probably be a very efficient president. Just saying. Thanks to her valiant efforts, I was able to access some funds at a local bank in Spain (Bank of America is non existent here). Hallelujah. So I have to make this money last until my debit card is zipped across the Atlantic.

So, tonight consists of naps, beach, and un partido de fútbol! Patty and I made best friends with a street vendor and bought cute matching FCB BARCELONA scarfs. Woot woot for team spirit and attempting to communicate! His english was far better than my spanish... That tends to be the case here. Which makes sense. Tourism is kind of a big deal.

Know what else is a big deal? HAVING MONEY. *dances*


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just what I wasn't looking for:

A non-adventure of sorts. A lot of you may have already seen from my facebook status update that I had been pick-pocketed. Yes, me. Imagine that. Losing something extremely valuable in a foreign country. HAH.

On the contrary, this is the most likely event to have happened to anyone on the planet. The cosmos were aligned in such a way on the moment of my birth that I was doomed to lose everything I hold dear. Such a pity.

I am bereft of nearly all my money. No cards, no euros. I only have $15 on my person. But I have my passport, cell phone, gps, so I will be ok. HAHA wily pick-pocketer, you missed those important items, eh?! Foiled again!

(So I my plan of losing weight is sure to come through at this point, I can only mooch off of friends for so long...)

Anyways, this was the day before my birthday. fabulous. Yesterday was my birthday. Finally passed the big 21st year. And it was not nearly as exciting as I thought it would be. No shining lights, crazy raging parties, or confetti. Oh well. However, I did get free gelato from Bailey :) Colin is apparently giving roomie and I his extra green hand towel as well. So that counts as a birthday gift right? Of course! Ended up not drinking at all and going to bed by midnight. I feel like a grandmaw now. So, celebrations with amigos upon my arrival in the US? Pleasies and thank yous?

ALSO, yesterday was the first day of class. Based off of orientation, we Americans are getting the easy way out in this European education. Not sure if I should be excited, disappointed or embarrassed that we are getting this special treatment. I'm leaning towards embarrassed.

Off to second day of class in T-minus 15 minutes. Today is "field studies"? 4 hours of studying the field...I think I can handle it ;) Barcelona is beautiful. I swear I'll have pictures to share eventually. Maybe I'll even include a picture of my empty purse.


Sunday, January 9, 2011


And make me a sammich it did. It was delicious.

But even today, I CANNOT get over the fact it cost me the equivalent of $7 for just the sandwich, and an additional (equivalent of) $3-ish dollars for a drink.

I went to sleep hungry that night.

This blog might turn itself into a weight-loss tracker as well. My goal: 100 lbs by May. I think it is really possible. *fist pump*

As for adventures, nothing too exciting. Just exploration of the city. We walked the "diagonal" last night. Might go to Park Guell today. I'll actually take my camera this time, for to post and share pictures with America.

Kay Loves,

Friday, January 7, 2011


if i could have friends that SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND ENGLISH, that would be great. kthanxbye

Thanks for the great night to all the new friends i made,


Day Numero Uno

Hola amigos.

I had some successes today:

#1: switching plane seats to sit next to a Columbian grad student attending school for Design at Milan, rather than a screaming demon child.

#2: speaking only in Spanish, and able to have a conversation with the taxi driver from the airport.

#3: walking around barca with Clemson Clan while on very little sleep

#4: napping afterwards. <3

Sleepy sleepy sleepy. At least I've stopped freaking out. W00t.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Less than 2 hours

I wish I could say less than three (<3), however that is not the case...(insert comical drum snare here).

At the moment, I am a mixture of nervous, anxious, excited, bored, and aloof. How does that make sense? I don't know. But it's all in there, the big melting pot of my emotions. It's enough to make me puke. OH WAIT, WAS THAT TMI?


Honestly, I will not be able to write about anything else besides me wanting to crawl in a ball underneath this airport desk I'm chilling at and let responsibility pass me by. Oh wait, Barcelona is supposed to be fun? Tell my stomach that.

I know I'm being st00pid. All I really want is a pat on the back and say that I can handle it. But I suppose I can't always have someone holding my hand or showering me with encouragement. OH WAIT, I HAVE ROSIE THE RIVETER! I CAN DO THIS. Thanks Rosie, I can always count on you to make me feel adequate.

Ta ta for now amigos. I need to sort out some confusion between boarding time and take off time. Or completely double vomit all across the sky....yeahhh yeahhh yeahhhhh (so intense).



Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Less than 24 Hours

I have less than a day to relish America. Contrary to many people I know, I actually like America. America is a great country. Still, I won't be too disappointed to take a break from America. It's like any relationship...once in a while, both parties need some time away from each other before they start shooting each other with crossbows.

Yeah. Crossbows.

Soooooo, anyway...Yeah, less than a day. And I'll be gone for...four months?? It's hard to believe. I'm kind of freaking out, which I rarely do about travel. I don't even have to worry about layovers and making connections. Easiest transatlantic trip I'll ever take in my life. My irrational womanly traits are getting the best of me. Thanks, mom <3

To make it quite perfectly clear for those friends of mine who still are oblivious:I'm studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain this semester. Honestly, I don't know how this message hasn't been relayed to everyone on the continent, with Facebook dishing out my deepest, darkest secrets without discretion. (aww yeah, alliteration, yeah)

Also, I was informed by Patty that our dorm room is segregated from the rest of the Clemson Clan...oh dear. This means I actually have to be social and meet new people. Crap. (PATTY I'M COUNTING ON YOU TO BRING OUT THE BEST IN ME) <==She's my other half ^.^

Now I must go and put the finishing touches on my packing (a.k.a. download 1000s of new songs to my iPod). In the meantime, Europe, I give you fair warning: All your continent are belong to us.
