Monday, April 4, 2011

Venice for the weekend, No Big Deal.

Pardon me while I feel classy. *hair flip*

Venice is pretty much everything a person could expect it to be. I simply can not fathom how such a city would be built in the first place. It's like Disney Land for mature, rich adults and James Bond...

Speaking of which, also, furthermore: Totally found out that the Lagoon is not that deep. So this scene is completely Hollwoodized. Damn you America for deceiving me. Regardless: Daniel Craig, what I would do for you.

Not too much news to tell about the city, except that all men are exceptionally good-looking (probably because they are all models and voguing every second of their existence), and that everyone in Venice likes to wear sunglasses. I would have bought some, but none cost less than 10 euro. So in order to replace the lack of words, here are some (ok, maybe a lot [of]) pictures of my stay in the city, in no particular order:

Ryan Air gives you...candy...with your life jacket?
Be sure to not take your dentures, high heels, and women with you off the plane in case of emergency landing.
MASKS! EVERYWHERE! Besides the typical theater masks, they had animals as well. I really wanted the crocodile, but It was like 2340387424 euro.

So much modeling.
I rode one of those C:
Everything is prettier in black and white.
Patty got in trouble for being scantily clad and had to wear a tablecloth inside of the Church.
The door to our hostel--which was nearly impossible to find, by the way. It happened to be run by backpackers, and the staff is continually switching in and out. Interesting life it would be, to be a nomadic hippy living in hostels for months at a time.
some intersections, corners, and bridges use these mirrors. I thought it was kind of cool. Also: they have traffic lights for boats set in place, but they were never actually used...

There are more pictures, including a few of Saint Marco's Square, the Basilica, and the tower, but blogger is sick and tired of my photo uploading shenanigans. To put in short, nothing could be better than getting lost in one of the most interesting historic cities in Europe, eating gelato twice a day, and gawking at the gorgeous men. I LOVE VENICE! <3